Я все еще не люблю вариации на тему смерти альт!Тена, и все еще не смотрите на меня так, я сама все знаю, но такая версия слишком любопытна, чтобы не сказать "омг, ааа, Оо" и не перепостить сюда. К тому же, как ни крути, а обоснуй достаточно реалистичный.
Submitted by rainbowxtrollz.текст“Rose.”
It’s just one word, just her name, but hearing it said like that, wrapped in so much warmth…the weight of it hits her like a ton of bricks. She turns and sees a man standing there that she doesn’t recognize, but knows in an instant. It’s impossible, improbable, but so very real. She blinks a few times, to make sure her eyes aren’t playing tricks on her.
“It’s really you, isn’t it?” She’s shocked at the youthful face, the braces, the bowtie. Everything so different and yet so distinctly him that she can’t help the few steps she takes toward him.
“How long has it been? For you, I mean,” he says, meeting her halfway and now they’re standing face to face. Despite the boyish looks, his eyes hold depth that is impossible.
The look in her eyes is hard, cold. ”Fifty years,” she tells him, knowing he won’t believe it.
His eyebrows shoot up, way up, disappearing into his fringe. ”Fifty years,” he repeats, indignant. ”But you…haven’t changed.”
“I guess that makes one of us,” she says, her attempt at humor that falls flat on the ground. She sits down, continues, “He died. He aged, he changed…I didn’t.”
He sits beside her now and she turns her gaze to her hands her hair falling in front of her face. ”You didn’t age?” he asks softly.
She shakes her head and he reaches out, tucking her hair behind her ear so that he can see her face. She still won’t look at him though. ”I am the Bad Wolf,” she says. ”I bring life.” Finally, her eyes meet his. ”That was never something we planned, huh?”
He shakes his head, covering her hands with his. ”The burden of forever,” he says. ”Something you shouldn’t have to bear.”
Moments pass in silence until she laces her fingers through his. ”But it’s not just yours anymore, Doctor,” she says. ”It’s ours.”