Слушала-слушала эту песню, а сегодня с утра она у меня вдруг сассоциировалась с Эльфом и Розой, какими я их пишу, если бы вдруг Роза так или иначе "вернулась" к Эльфу.
А вообще песня просто очень красивая...
текстShe’s back from Аmsterdam
And I think the journey did her well
Her face has lost it’s touch
The tell tale signs of loneliness inside
But I love her still
And need her company still more
Come down, come down once more
And I think, the journey, did her well
She says she fell in love
With men who knew the way to treat a lady
Her life has settled for the best of things
That I couldn’t give her
And it’s not her fault, she’s not the one to blame
Come down, come down, come down once more
And I do believe the journey did her well
Yes I do believe the journey did her well.Ну и традиционно унесенное с тумблера.