Смотри, произошло явление чая как феномена (с)
Да-да, наш общий кое с кем и с тумблером таракан... 

My name is Rose Tyler, and when I woke up today something was missing. It was like that moment when you realise something has happened to someone you love; you don’t know who, how or why, just that something is not right. You hear an ambulance siren and suddenly panic that it’s someone you know. Well, that’s what happened to me. I woke up and something had gone. But it hadn’t; everyone’s still here.
And then I thought of him, a universe away…and I knew.

My name is Rose Tyler, and when I woke up today something was missing. It was like that moment when you realise something has happened to someone you love; you don’t know who, how or why, just that something is not right. You hear an ambulance siren and suddenly panic that it’s someone you know. Well, that’s what happened to me. I woke up and something had gone. But it hadn’t; everyone’s still here.
And then I thought of him, a universe away…and I knew.